Monday, August 24, 2009

Drop Dead Diva- another gem from Lifetime

Since Degrassi is between seasons, I've been satisfying my inner masochist with this quality new show on Lifetime.

Drop Dead Diva is about a completely shallow 20-something model who is killed while putting on makeup in the car, and upon her death finds out that she has committed absolutely no good OR bad deeds. Now don't ask me how that is even possible, since she's, you know, done stuff, and had relationships with people... Anyway, she messes with their computers (naturally) and accidentally sends herself into "a recently vacated vessel"- the body of a fat lawyer who was basically a saint and died while trying to talk someone down from a hostage situation.
So in summary, the woman who was super nice and did lots of pro bono work and good deeds died, while the shallow woman who had never done a SINGLE good deed got to keep living. A great message for all, I'm sure.
Now I know some people will say "But the other woman got to go to heaven sooner! That's what we all want!" But at the very least, consider that all her loved ones lost her that day- she was replaced with a personality that wasn't even remotely the same- but none of them were given the opportunity to grieve. They never got a chance to say goodbye, because they never even realized she died. Clearly she could never tell any of them the truth, because there's no way to convince the lawyer's friends that she didn't just go crazy from getting shot.

On the other hand, she has lots of information about the model's life- things that no one else could know about, things that she could use to convince her own friends that she really is the model. Just bigger and smarter.

And when it comes down to it, that's what the show is actually about. The model's boyfriend was fixin' to propose before she died. Now she wants to tell him the truth, but she's afraid she's too fat for him to love her anymore.
In all honesty, she's probably right. After all, he wasn't dating the model for her smarts, and we've already determined she wasn't a good person. (In fact she probably didn't have much of a personality to speak of at all.)

So what the whole show really revolves around is her wanting to tell her boyfriend that she's still alive, because once she does it, they have nowhere to go.
This also means that in all of their previews, they show her telling him, in one way or another, and also - as it turns out - that she never actually does it in the show. They show her saying the words once - she's talking into a mirror. The next time - she was just imagining what it would be like.

LOL how clever!

Oh did I mention that aforementioned boyfriend just got a job in the very same law office where Lawyer works?

So meanwhile, Boyfriend has been getting friendly with the only "thin" female lawyer in the office. I'll call her "Ho" for convenience. In the most recent episode, immediately before she imagines telling Boyfriend the truth, he tells her that since her death, he's been seeing Model in other women, especially Ho. She inexplicably doesn't tell him right then, even though she fully intended to, and still planned on telling him in the near future - it didn't seem like an issue of courage.
Of course when she goes to confess it all later, Boyfriend and Ho are making out in his office.


And yet, I am unable to stop watching.

I should probably see a doctor. Maybe there's some medication I can take.

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