Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wife Swap: Figaratto/Martinez

Thank god for the travesty that is Lifetime.

I was worried at first that they wouldn't give me any material for today. The first Wife Swap on today's lineup was an episode where one family believed they were living in medieval times, and the other believed that "all children should have to go to public school." It was worrisome because although that's clearly meeting their insanity quotient for the day, it's really not trainwrecky enough to make for a full post.

But I should have had faith.

Meet the Figaratto and Martinez families.
The Figaratto's are obsessed with karaoke. No really. I know lots of people who enjoy karaoke, and I loved having roommates who owned Rock Band and singing with them several nights a week. But I did other stuff. And it certainly never got to the point of "Well dinner's over- it's time for karaoke. Again!" And additionally, when we did the same songs over and over, it was because we had to in order to reach the next level- and it was really freaking annoying. But they didn't have that restraint; they had tons of CDs and had already spent thousands of dollars on equipment. These people were singing "La Bamba" and "Bye Bye Love" on loop and they had been for over a decade. And they were doing it completely voluntarily.

And by comparison, they were the sane ones.
That's right.

I'll start with the best part. I'm pretty sure that at one point Papa Martinez claimed that his kid spending time with Step-Mama's prized cockatoo is the same as having quality time with his parents.

Not only was Mama Martinez a total wet blanket when it came to karaoke, but she was a freaking basket case when it came to her bird. And worst of all, she married a man with a kid, but clearly believed that since she was still so young, that his kid wasn't any of her responsibility.
Her responsibilities are limited to:
a) practicing her kickboxing at the dojo the family owns
b) romancing her husband at date nights
c) teaching her damn bird how to go potty in the trash can

The first thing she did when she saw her husband again was ask how the bird was!

Yeah, work, romance, taking care of pets...those things are all important, but when you marry a father with full custody, you're a mother. And when you're a mother, you're a mother first. Even if you're only in your 20s. Papa Martinez is absolutely not without blame though. He already had a child when he married Mama, and it was his job first to not allow someone into his child's life who refused to prioritize the kid over everything else. And what's worse, he even allowed himself to be brainwashed the same way, that the damn bird is far more sensitive and needed much more attention than his own son.
Meanwhile, the 10 year old kid is eating whatever he can find from a can. Oh, but they explain it's only "Monday - Thursday"! That's 4 nights a week! He's ten years old.

And when the son was asked what changed after the swap? "We got to do jujitsu again."

Gag me.


  1. I saw this re-run last night. Felt so sorry for that little boy......a childhood empty of parental love & affection and only full of long, lonely nights. I can only hope that when his father and "cuckoo" stepmom saw the show on national TV, they realized how selfish and cruel they were to a 10-year-old child and changed their ways. Either that, or hopefully, that boy's mother or her family rescued him if possible.

  2. Just saw the rerun, the martial artists were immature, self absorbed parents.
    The karaoke kids were pretty spoiled too but at least the parents cared. Alex, deserves better.

  3. That step-mom was the worst I've seen on this show. And I've seen some doozies. She gives me the creeps.

  4. Just saw it today, pretty horrible. Is there any update on how these families are now?

    1. People! Do you not understand that these families are only being portrayed to be that way. There's so much that you don't know! The show wants ratings and only the makers of the show decide how the episodes go! Watch the show with a grain of salt and remember what they show you is not necessarily the whole truth about these families. Please do not judge the families without some sort of research.

  5. Looks like everybody is justly blaming the step mom but everyone including the original blogger is letting dad off way too easy. Child services should be called and Mr. Dojo hauled to jail. See how their precious business survives.

  6. Yeah I could tell you EXACTLY how the Martinez family is doing. This is all edited to make these people look terrible. I know Kate Adam and "Alex". And to be honest Kate is one of the most loving mothers I've ever seen. Its not fair for you to judge people you DON'T know. Like I said, its bullshit TV edited for you Idiots to feed into. Adam is a respected wonderful father who has raised his son to become a respectful, responsible young man. I look up to these people and I've seen first hand what goes on with this family (including their newest addition and no its not a bird,but a sweet loved little one year old) back off people. You don't know a thing about the Martinez family.

    1. Since you have hidden your identity and taken such a strong stance and yourself attacked those who have commented on this blog I can only imagine that you are Kate. Who else would take the time to search out blog/comments on this old episode. While it may have been edited there had to be some material there to allow them to edit. The whiteboards were disturbing. The comment that he only eats alone Monday through Thursday was actually grounds for neglect in most states legally based upon his age. Just go on with your life if you are truly now a wonderful mother. Hopefully you looked at that episode and learned from it and will simply move on with your life. You simply had the misfortune of having your opportunity for self-retrospection shared with the world.

    2. So very well said. I feel so sorry for that child, no matter how old this episode is. He couldn't have ended up with a worse parent and step-parent.

    3. I immediately thought Kate was the writer when I read this "cockapoop" about how great parents sha and Adam are. I just saw the episode and I feel very sad for Alexander. Adam should have had the heart to look at the situation and see that he has bought into caring more for the bird than his own son, not to mention their martial arts clients. If they do have an infant, unfortunately, Alexander will be prioritized after the baby, the bird, and the clients. I pray things are changed for the better.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The Martinezs are terrible people. Period. You can edit the comments they made. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. Ha this person doesn't know what's real and what's not

  8. Guys, Kate Martinez posted a blog online some time ago explaining the truth behind 'Wife Swap'. I don't have kids, but I was PISSED seeing how Alex had to spend so much time alone. Turns out we were all getting upset for little or no reason. She basically tells us how they cut and pasted a lot of scenes, how they had SCRIPTS to follow, and how she and her husband wanted to back out because of how badly her family would be viewed. Had they quit, they'd be sued for 5,000,000.

    You guys should should check it out. I have the link. I feel really bad for their family.


  9. You all are freaking ridiculous! Since when is reality tv credible? You judge this family based off of two weeks of footage crammed into an hour that was edited to suit ABC's slant for that episode. My kids started training with Adam two years ago. Shortly after, a friend asked if I had heard about the Wife Swap drama. I kept an eye out for their episode and finally found it on Lifetime a few months back. My husband and I laughed our way through the entire thing knowing it wasn't an accurate portrayal of Kate and Adam. And you all can rest easy knowing that Alex is a wonderful, well adjusted teenage boy.

  10. "The show made it look like we are OBSESSED with the martial arts and while yes, we love training we are nowhere nearly as consumed with it as they made us look. The truth is it is our BUSINESS, and our livelihood. It is our sole source of income, how we make a living, the reason we have a roof over our head and bread on the table. Of course we are concerned about how we make our living! How different would it be if we ran a family farm? We would be equally invested to making sure ends meet, and all of us would put forth effort to ensure its success. However, it is far from the most important thing in our lives!! To imply that we care more about our jobs than our family was by far the single most insulting implication of this stupid show.

    Alexander has an allergy to wheat products, which is remedied with Claritin. While they were shooting he had an allergic reaction, and they showed it like Adam had no clue what was going on with him. Adam was asked by the producer to leave Alexander so that they could "interview" him, then they got a shot of him sick, sitting alone, implying his illness was being neglected, which was far from the case."

    Taken from

    You are all terrible people for making these assumptions without doing any research first.

  11. Oh man. I'm the son of the Figaratto family, and I can confirm that the show is bullshit. FYI, Wife Swap doesn't take place over 2 weeks, rather 6 days. WHAT A BLAST.

    1. I just read this article from Kate Martinez the "other mom" I wondered. Thanks for your post ;) http://thetruthaboutwifeswap.blogspot.com/

  12. The show is fake :http://thetruthaboutwifeswap.blogspot.com/

  13. This show is a joke. It's fake. It's phony. Dude I would be pissed too if I was portrayed as a bad guy. I honestly used to believe that this show was real life, but one day I was surfing the internet, I looked up truth behind wife swap deal, so yeah. People get misjudged at first. People will judge you before they get to know you. That's just how they are

  14. You guys shouldnt be so mad, its classic edited tv, like everything these days, they make parents look bad, step parents included. It seems things get twisted way out of shape, kate seemed like a nice lady, it baffled me how they 'the family she lived with' moaned about her laughing all the time. To me that seems she's happy, or embarrassed not sure which one. Its just a shame these families are portrayed in such a way. By the way just see this in the uk

  15. I am here for the comments....

  16. It's funny because there's a website that shows the truth. They make up the rules, not the families, they only have a week with each other. It's reality tv, if you believe it you're brain dead!

  17. Kate Martinez wrote A blog about how everything is false that they showed about her family on wife swap. Yeah right.. you can plainly see that she has no parenting skills or love for her stepson. http://thetruthaboutwifeswap.blogspot.com/2009/09/kate-martinez-tells-truth-about-wife.html?m=1
